‘Tis the season for sustainability. C8’s B Corp Gift Initiative.
Ever received a gift that had you thinking, “This shit is going straight in the bin”?
It’s a common sentiment during Christmas, the most wonderful time of the year.
Let me set the scene, you sit around the Christmas tree, seeing everyone happily open gifts and it’ll soon be your turn. An anticipation, an excitement in your stomach is brewing. Will I get that new iPhone I asked for? Did Mum and Dad remember those cotton bedsheets I pointed out not-so-subtly at IN BED last month?
Finally, your name is called and it’s your turn to experience some holiday magic. You start by ripping off a gorgeously wrapped present (go Mum), you see the first glimpse and you’re excited, even a little nervous. But then….you come to a terrible, horrifying realisation – it’s a fucking Live, Laugh, Love sign from Target.
Unfortunately, this token of Mum and Dad’s holiday spirit will then make the gruelling yet popular journey from under the Christmas tree, to the bin, to the landfill where it will join a vast sea of millions of other unwanted, unloved gifts. But ‘tis the season to be jolly right? However, it truly can be and not all items bought and exchanged during Christmas need to end up in landfills, not if you choose them responsibly and intentionally.
Last year, as the holiday season began in agency land and the mass buying of soon-to-be landfill inhabitants started – the C8 team decided to do something different for our staff Christmas gift exchange. As a proud B Corp, we chose to not contribute to the dumpsite-bound frenzy and decided to buy from other fellow B Corps – businesses with a heart, a brain, and a conscience.
Purchasing from B Corps means investing in high-quality products that support local economies, ethical business practices, social responsibility, and transparency. Each team member carefully and consciously picked an item, ensuring it’d be something they’d use often and that wouldn’t be left to collect dust in their rooms.
From a Kathmandu Retreat Trolley and down jacket, high-quality fitness apparel from P.E Nation, and a Bellroy tech kit – the C8 team picked thoughtful presents that’ll last longer than that sad, unwanted Live Laugh Love sign.
So, next time you buy a loved one a gift, consider making it a moment of intentional and sustainable giving. Look for the “B Corp” badge or research companies that align with your values before you buy. The overflowing landfills, accelerating resource depletion, and increasing greenhouse gas emissions will thank you for it.
Here’s to purchasing presents that don’t end up in the dump yard where unwanted holiday items go for their eternal nap!
By Digital Account Manager Carolina Domínguez