Circul8’s ‘Virtual Walk’ for Mental Health
1 team, 50 days, 1032kms, $1830 raised for Mood Active
When we’re not producing creative solutions for our ethically conscious clients, we are actively committed to supporting positive social causes. A major health issue experienced by many Australians is poor mental health, in the form of depression, anxiety and other mood disorders that has undoubtedly been exacerbated by the many added stresses of 2020.
To help tackle this mental health challenge, the team at Circul8 completed a fundraising campaign by way of a ‘Virtual Walk’ in support of Mood Active – a charity dedicated to helping people better manage their mental health by empowering them through the power of exercise while simultaneously encouraging GPs and psychologists to prescribe exercise for patients with mild to moderate depression or anxiety.
From Canberra to Byron Bay (virtually)
From mid-September to early November, the Circul8 team tackled 1032kms, the equivalent distance between Canberra and Byron Bay, by logging our walks, runs, cycles and any other steps to reach the count. The team collectively raised an awe-inspiring total of $1830. This money will allow 8 people, who would otherwise not be able to access their services, to complete one of Mood Active’s programs. Fortuitously, this fundraiser also enabled our team to actively check in on our own mental health whilst supporting a greater cause.
Given this year’s unprecedented contribution to the prevalence of mental health issues nationwide, we saw a need to help out in the capacity that we could and are thrilled to be able to directly positively assist in the progressive treatment of our fellow Aussies.
What’s next?
Now we’ve set ourselves an even bigger walking challenge – to Circul8 Around Australia in the next 12 months. Yikes!
Although the ‘Virtual Walk’ is complete for the year, our GoFundMe page is still available for donations if you wish to contribute to this worthwhile cause: https://www.gofundme.com/f/d5vpc-walk-for-mental-health/
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